Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Barack Obama has clinched the nomination for POTUS of the democratic party. A black man will run for president and it should be noted in all our minds. Our parents and grandparents thought this day would never come. For my generation our grandparents and parents lived through the civil rights movement, I am sure in some cases marched in protest.
The most astounding thing for me is his power. Chris Rock once told a joke in his stand up, "he speaks so well..." yes he does. The man has a power in his voice that is unrivaled. He can move you to tears while simultaneously giving you strength and energy to do anything, all the while instilling confidence. We started this trek with Jesse Jackson back in 1984, and for 20 years figured it would be a reverend or some other black leader to step up and take the chance. Boy were we wrong. He is a career politician with a varied background, that we in the black community are used to.

In stark contrast to Barack's dignity, we have Hillary Clinton placing herself before the process, and the over the party. Instead of graciously admitting defeat, she has not conceded, and is making a play for the vice presidency. As has been the case throughout this campaign the Clinton's have defied the parties wishes and put their name before the party, the people and the country.
One day people will wake up and see the Clinton's for what they have always been, selfish, power mongers.

Congrats Barack Obama, you have officially made history. I am glad it did happen in my lifetime.

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