Wednesday, August 6, 2008

DJ on the Mic

So much off the track stuff happening I feel the need to speak on a couple of points.

In Jamaica they have an internal battle that has been raging for years. I am not an insider, so my take is based purely on what I have read and heard. In summary, Stephen Francis, franno, MVP coach, does not like (and that is stating it mildly) the JAAA, Jamaican federation. He has been feuding with them for years. It all came to the forefront this week when he refused a pass from them and did not want his athletes, 10 in all, to attend the Jamaican camp. He protested saying it would cost his athletes, ten percent in their performance.
Well, what a mess. I hold the position that the federation is the entity responsible for resolving this matter. Not saying they have to fold, I am saying they have to be the side that puts this thing to bed. franno is a personal coach and no matter what one thinks, he is only responsible for his charges, not the national team. The JAAA taking a hard stance against franno looks personal. We will see how this plays out. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that when the MVP athletes arrived, they came with a letter forbidding them to participate in relay practice. The letter was written by franno and signed by the relevant athletes. As I said what a mess.

Meanwhile, back at the house, we have a new CEO, Doug Logan. He has decided that one way to connect to the public is to blog. Kudos for the effort, however the execution is terrible. He also wrote a letter to the president in opposition to Marion Jones being granted a presidential pardon for her perjury case. In his blog he has defended his by stating it is a way to show the world we, USATF, and the sport is taking a tough stance on drugs. This is completely wrong.
The request for a pardon is a personal one for Marion and has ZERO to do with our stance on drugs. Logan's continued defense that he is being tough and speaking tough is troubling.
It intimates that we have not been tough up until now, and that the attitude of those of us in the sport is one of acceptance. None of which is true.
What he needs to do is start to CHANGE the perspective of what he is perpetuating. Track is the most ardent defender of clean sport as any in the WORLD. We have been testing for decades, let me repeat, decades! We have never had less than a 2 year ban for first offenders, whereas most sports require multiple offenses for ONE year. We are catching designer drugs, doing blood test, collecting samples, have athletes volunteering for test, busting athletes regardless of their stature, and this has been going on for 20+ years. None of this is talked about by those in power. All we get is how bad the drug culture is and that track has a drug problem, Logan's first moves in office have done little to address these lies. And that I have a problem with.
Enough of the harping on the past druggies, the bust, and the talk of sponsors are afraid. Sponsors are about perception, and we will not get the big dollars until we start managing our news better. The NFL is busting folks left and right, but that is never their headline. This is the part where we drop the ball. We whine, and play victim, and then have folks like Logan coming around with tough talk. We have enough in place to prove our toughness, what we need now is clarity on who we are, productivity on our image, control of information. Many see this as secrecy, but that is cynicism. I am talking how to manage to flow of information as it FLOWS. Right now, we make a drug bust and it is a negative, where it should be a positive.

Ok, I am in Macau with the UK team. Tropical storm Kammuri passed by yesterday, so much for practice, it was a mandatory rest day. As you can imagine the hotel gym stayed busy. Now it is dragon flies and back to work. If you do not like humidity this is not the place for you. I love it. Any excuse to not where sleeves and pants is great to me.

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