Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

The calendar has changed and here we are in 2009. So what did I learn.

I learned that I attract a whole lot of attention when I write online. And folks always got something to say about what I write. This is what I learned from that, I am a grown ass man, with a healthy mind and have things to say. YOU do not dictate what I say or when I say it, just as I do not to anyone else.

I learned that I can compartmentalize my life. And that sucks. I do not want to have to break it up, but that is what I learned this year.

I learned I can coach my ass off. I am a coach, Damon! LOL I did it. I can say it like that because this is my first major medal and I hope every coach that achieves at least one appreciates the process it took.

I learned HOW to coach BETTER. Aw man, if only you knew how this year transformed my coaching. I still feel like a 12 year old working amongst men, but that is wearing off. How to coach is the key. I have other coaches asking me questions and I stress the how over the what. The what is easy. The what is in books all over the place. The how is not in a book and cannot be put in a book.

I learned that a man's life is a lonely road. I was told this numerous times in my life, and just when I thought I had experienced what it meant I learned it is even lonelier.

I learned how to love. Let me say something publicly to you all, I love my wife. I do. This will mean different things to different people, including her, but to me it just says I learned how to love this year. Which is a really strange realization to come to but it is the truth.

I learned how to be. This is still a work in progress.

What I did not learn.

I did not learn how to hate.
I did not learn what to coach.
I did not learn how to be loved. Huge difference between loving and being loved, and you have to learn how to be loved as well. I think this is the trickiest part for me but not how some of you are thinking.
I did not learn how to take. I have to work on this one.
I did not learn how to be negative. THANK GOD! I can't do pessimism, cynicism. It grates me. I have my own private pity parties, I do not have the strength to deal with anyone elses. I need light around me, vision, positivity.
I did not learn how to be on the top step of the podium. Give me time, I will get someone(s) there.

ok back to what I did learn.
I learned that our world is what I thought it has always been, a place of chance and opportunity. Barack is president. Never once in my life did I think it was impossible, I am glad everyone else knows this now. I learned that the sport is changing and it is a hard change but damnit it is a necessary one for sure!!!!
I learned that the West Coast is on another planet and it cost too much for athletes to call Cali when they need a coach. :) For those prospecting, the West Coast is attached to the United States. The calling rates are the same as all the other states. And I have a few open spots out here. Doesn't mean I am open to everyone, but there are a select few I will entertain. Email, call, send pigeons, whatever works for you. LOL Seriously.
I learned that 2009 is a great year for me. I spoke it and it is.

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