Saturday, January 24, 2009

President Obama

I wrote this wonderful blog on my phone and was unable to post it, so here is the revised version.

It is official, Barack Obama is the President of the United States (POTUS). Sweet! A very proud moment in history.
NOW, here is what I have to say. There are no more excuses. No one should be saying they cannot believe this day ever came. More importantly I do not have to worry about my children facing the insinuation that there is something they cannot do in life. If you think carefully, no one ever told you that you could not be president, it was actual us saying things such as, "One day you could be president" that led to the belief that we had roadblocks there. Unless you are 45 or older, you have not faced any obstacles to your success, especially if you were raised in the West.

Now while some of you are sitting there feeling I have rained on the parade, let me come around the mountain. I am delighted! I love the satisfaction folks like my parents, my uncle, and Brooks Johnson feel. See they lived through the stuff we have watched on TV. It is not a black and white image, the blood is not some different shade of gray, it was red. Emmit Till is not a still image in a casket, it was real and scary. The Watts Riots were not a documentary, my parents lived right there, my uncle was in school when those murders happened and Angela Davis was arrested. They fought for this day and loved through the bullshit that was our society in the 60s.

I want to give a big shout to my man Brooks and his new blog. He brings such history and knowledge to the table. You never realize what it means to be honest until you meet someone that is truly honest. He minces no words or opinions. I appreciate it, and I tend to agree with 95% of everything he says.

Oh track? Training is going well for everyone. I expect good seasons for all. And there are a few surprises in store for a few out there.
Here comes indoor season. Folks are on their way. We will sit out here and watch the festivities from afar.

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