Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Women here's some advice

Since I have read numerous post about what men need to do I figured hey why not return the kind favor. The hard part is women will write back with all kinds of rebuttals which is a HUGE problem, can't tell y'all nothin'! LOL
1 - Listen before you respond. I mean really listen. Don't hear what was said before or what you thought we meant, listen to what we are saying right now.
2 - Stay on point. An anecdote is just that, a story to illustrate the actual topic, not a new topic to argue about. This is where most arguments end in Chris Brown episodes.
3 - Be a woman. Not meek or weak, but soft, feminine, thoughtful, emotional and caring. We spend our entire existence fighting men on various levels, comparing egos, bashing our heads together like rams on the plains, the last thing we want to do is bang heads with our women as if they are men. You will kill us easier with kindness, I promise.
4 - Know the difference between a man and a pretender. Just because he has a penis does not make him a man. Just because he does not fight does not mean he is not strong or tough. Just because he fights does not mean he is strong or tough.
5 - Something the fellas were discussing today, stop running up on us like you can physically beat us down. You get one of these pretenders and it is all bad for you. You get a man and you will lose him. Women were "blessed" with a mouthpiece no man can match. Your weapon is far more powerful than our fist, trust me, I am a man, I know from experience. We hear you and we remember. Which brings me to...
6 - Be careful what you use as a verbal weapon with your man. Pushing his buttons may make you feel better in a fight but it will cause irreparable damage to your relationship no matter the outcome of the argument. In relationships, us cretins trust our women with information we would never tell anyone else. TRUST. We trust you to protect our soft spots as you expect us to trust yours. When you strike at those trusted issues, we rarely forget it and for the rest of our relationship it shapes how we respond to you. Most of us want comfort, and your man is most comfortable when he can trust you with his ego, his house ( not the physical house), and his secrets. Break that trust and you will spend your days being asked stupid questions like "Where are you going?" when all you did was switch positions on the couch. :)
7 - Make sure you and he are partners. A two way street. This is huge in this day and age. We have been taught to be independent entities that only co exist. This is why the divorce rate is so high. Men and women have ceased being partners in crime. He should be the Clyde to your Bonnie and you the Bonnie to his Clyde. Partners through thick and thin. but see this only works when the thick and thin our shared, when thick and thin are only shared after they become a thick and thin it is a recipe for mass destruction.
8 - Be you. Man I am telling you, us men love a woman that is unafraid to be herself. When we are the only ones allowed to get beyond the wall, you have us hooked for life! There's nothing worse than a woman that tries to change for the man she is with. Another recipe for disaster.
9 - Love yourself.
10 - Take all of this with a grain of salt. I could be 100% wrong. Seriously. I doubt I am but I am not foolish enough to think otherwise. :)

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