Friday, March 14, 2008

Practice what you preach

As a coach this is not what you want to talk about. Sets you up for failure and hypocrisy. I do not say it or use it when it comes to my coaching. If I could practice what I preached on the track I would still be 165, and all of you would know my name.

In real life, not track, I cannot practice what i preach. Not by choice. I want to but I am faced with some life issues that challenge me every day. All I can do is read and think and search for that space that allows us to walk the walk we talk.

I am waiting for that space to reveal itself because believe me, all the space I see is filled with the complete opposite of what I preach LOL. I mean you ever notice how it is so easy to counsel and console our friends but when it comes to ourselves we are virtually unreachable. LOL All of my friends are that way strangely enough. I have sat and told them that all they need to do is follow their own words. Well now the tables are turned and I cannot follow my own advice and damn sure cannot follow theirs. Makes me laugh the laugh of a man that knows he is dying.

It is not funny but if I do not laugh I will cry. It is that time for me, the world seems as though it is disintegrating on my head, RIGHT NOW! Everything is wrong and nothing looks like it is getting better. That rain cloud is my rain cloud and all rays of sunshine are deflected by the mirror of darkness. And I am tired of the damn cloud. I want to kill the cloud, squeeze all the water out of it, and watch it evaporate for the rest of my life.

I tell the athletes when they cross the gates at the track to leave the outside world outside. I am in desperate need of a gate right now.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

It sounds like you could use a prayer or I'll say one for you--shoot, I'll say two.